All about STIs and screening
STI testing
STI tests are free and you can take one anonymously. As a sex worker with lots of sexual partners you should take the test every three months to stay free of STIs.
Do come see us as soon as you can if you:
- had a broken condom, or sex without a condom;
- are suffering from STI symptoms;
- have been warned about an STI by someone you have had sex with.
We will test you for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV. If necessary, we can also test you for genital herpes, genital warts, pubic lice, scabies, LGV and trichomonas. Sometimes we may need to refer you to the STI clinic at the Centre for Sexual Health (GGD Amsterdam).
What happens during the examination?
The examination (consultation) consists of a few stages. Which stage(s) apply to you will depend on your situation.
Answering questions
Blood test
Physical examination
How long will the examination take?
On average, the consultation lasts half an hour. It can sometimes be longer or shorter due to specific complaints.
In general, results are known between 2 and 5 working days. You will be given login codes so that you can view the results yourself in a secure online portal.
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Start & Stop
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