Important addresses


Registration with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) is by appointment only.
you can make an appointment for registration at or call 088 585 15 85

Tax authorities

Do you have a question about taxes, fees and/or payments? Call the tax authorities Thelephone
0800 05 43 or visit

Minicipality of Amsterdam

Do you have a question for the municipality of Amsterdam? Call telephonenumber: 14020
If you want up-to-date information about the prostitution policy:


Always call 112 when you are in immediate danger.
Do you want to contact the police about a situation that happened outside Amsterdam? Then call the general police number 0900-8844.

For police assistence regarding coercion or exploitation in the Amsterdam region: Call police Human Trafficking Team on 088-1693396


Are you a transgender person and do you feel the need for a safe and pleasant place to meet each other? On Tuesdays and Thursdays you are welcome between 10:00 and 15:00 for food, drinks, activities, a warm shower and company.
Visit the website:


Do you want tips about finances?
View the website


Are you homeless and do you want to know what the possibilities are for you in Amsterdam? Check the website of the municipality of Amsterdam
Homeless counter: Jan van Galenstraat 323, entrance B 1056 CH Amsterdam


Do you have no insurance and do you need help from a doctor? Call 020 – 624 90 31 . Or visit website is a website of Soa Aids Nederland. On this website you can find information about the SWAD alliance, Ugly Mugs and information about sex work.

Related topics

Health & Sex

Your sexual health is important. At ACS you can schedule an appointment during the sexual health consultation hours. Here you can be tested for STD’s and/or pregnancy. We also recommend that you get vaccinated against Hepatitis A/B.

Start & Stop

When you start sex work there are a number of things you need to think about. For example, where do you want to work? What do you need to arrange for this? Also think about your own boundaries. how far are you willing to go with a customer and what would you absolutely not want?


How do you ensure that you don’t get into debt and how do you deal with it when you do? Or perhaps you want to know whether you are entitled to housing allowance or benefits. We will help you with all your question regaring finances.


Perhaps you have experienced something bad, in your private life or at home. It could have been a recent event or even some time ago. Has a client crossed your boundaries forcefully? Read more about abuse and what ACS can do for you.