Diversity in sex work
Are you a transgender person and in need of a safe and pleasant place to meet? You are welcome to the T-house. The T-house is not only for transgender sex workers, but for all transgender people. Check out the website: www.t-huis.transunitedeurope.eu.
The ACS nurse has a weekly consultation hour on sexual health for trans and non-binary people at the T-House. You are welcome to approach the nurse for an STI or HIV test, PEP and PrEP care or any other questions about your sexual health.
Every Thursday afternoon at the T-House, you can speak with someone about issues regarding other matters, including a bi-cultural background, if you are undocumented, uninsured and/or not registered in the Netherlands, homelessness, poverty or refugee status, which might make finding the right medical care difficult.
Make an appointment at the Transkliniek via: transunitedkliniek@transunitedeurope.eu.