Unplanned pregnancy
These decisions can be very hard. Especially if you have no one to talk to about these problems.
The nurse at ACS can help and support you in this. Sometimes we ask a social worker to join the discussion. A social worker can answer practical questions you may have going forward:
- Do you want to carry the pregnancy to term? Do you want the child?
- Do you want an abortion?
- What is your gut feeling? What makes sense at this point in your life?
- What dilemmas are there?
- Will friends and family support you?
- What will your future look like?
- Practical issues such as housing, stopping work, health care insurance or benefit.
You may still have doubts after talking to the nurse. The nurse will then refer you to the FIOM, a specialised institution with people who can guide you on reflecting on your motives and options.
If you decide to terminate the pregnancy, we can guide you and schedule an appointment for you at an abortion clinic. If you decide to carry to term, we will refer you to your GP or an obstetrician.
Wanted pregnancy
In the Netherlands, you are under the care of a midwife during your pregnancy. From about eight weeks into your pregnancy, you should have a check up by the midwife. While you are can certainly register for a midwife yourself, we can also make an appointment for you.
You are entitled to obstetric care even if you do not have health insurance. Our advice is to take out health insurance and we can help you with selecting and applying for one.
There are several methods for terminating a pregnancy. The method performed will depend on the gestational age and your preference. This is decided between yourself and the abortion clinic.
You can opt for medication (the abortion pill) or a suction curettage. You can take the abortion pill up to 8 weeks of pregnancy (i.e. 8 weeks after the start of your last period). To qualify for this, you need to be proficient in either Dutch or English so you can understand the forms you will have to fill in. This is important.
The abortion clinic will check with you to see whether you are eligible for the abortion pill.
If you are more than 8 weeks pregnant, the abortion will be performed by suction curettage. In the case of suction curettage, light sedation is an option.
If you are in the Netherlands illegally or cannot prove that you live/work here, you will have to pay for the abortion yourself. The costs differ per person and per situation. We can help you with this process too.
The doctor must be sure that your choice is voluntary and well-considered. Hence the need to be proficient in Dutch or English. Abortions may only be performed in an abortion clinic or at a hospital. You can contact an abortion clinic yourself but as always, we’re able to help refer you to one.
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