About ACS

Amsterdam Center for Sex Workers (ACS) provides information, advice and assistance to sex workers in the Amsterdam region. We employ nurses and social workers.

Amsterdam Center for Sex Workers is located in the centre of Amsterdam and is easily accessible by public transport. Tram 2, 11 and 12 stop practically at the entrance of our discreet location.

Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 292
1012 RT Amsterdam
020 – 531 86 00

How ACS began

In 2005, PvdA members Karina Schaapman and Ama Assante investigated abuses in the prostitution sector In Amsterdam. Other than the medical care offered by the Municipal Health Service (GGD), they discovered a serious lack: a facility where sex workers could go with questions about their rights and obligations as well as to find psychosocial assistance.

The city council welcomed their recommendation to establish a centre where both types of care could be found. Three years later, in April 2008, the Prostitution and Health Centre, P&G292, opened its doors at Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 292 in Amsterdam.

In 2023, P&G292 was renamed Amsterdam Center for Sex Workers (ACS) to better reflect its position and purpose.

ACS is a partnership between HVO-Querido and Centrum voor Seksuele Gezondheid (GGD Amsterdam) and is funded by the city of Amsterdam.

Purpose and vision

ACS promotes the empowerment and emancipation of sex workers. Regardless of their gender, workplace or residence status. We do this by:

  • Improving the physical health situation of sex workers
  • Strengthening their psycho-social health
  • Improving their social and employment status
  • Identifying and addressing forms of violence and sexual exploitation

ACS assumes two core values around all its activities:

  1. Freedom of occupation (autonomy): every person has the right to freely choose and practise their occupation; there must never be exploitation or oppression in any form.
  2. Bodily integrity and resilience: every person has the right not to be violated. Autonomy must never degrade into being forced to perform or undergo actions. This requires resilience.