
Campaign Sexwork = work

25 07 2019

Across the globe sex workers fight to improve their living and working conditions. Wherever possible they are talking with politicians, demonstrating in public with red umbrellas and organising projects in order to be able to support, inform and strengthen each other. In some countries they do this knowing they risk their lives

The fact that sex work is never considered to be work is the reason why sex workers rise up in struggle. It is treated as a problem, a lack of sexual morality or as a form of criminal activity, trafficking or exploitation. Sex workers are treated as victims or as criminals.

Improving sex workers work and living conditions can be achieved by recognising sex work as a form of labour. Such recognition stops social stigma, while labour law gives sex workers rights to protect them from exploitation.

By listening to them, solutions can be achieved. They are after all, the people who know best about what they need.

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