Dear operator,
I would like to invite you for a conversation to exchange ideas about the developments in the prostitution sector and in the city.
In recent times, much attention has been focused on the inner city/the red light district, in which context the municipality regularly speaks with entrepreneurs, including operators in the sex industry, about prostitution in Amsterdam, the City Center Approach, coffee shop policy; these are individual conversations or in groups, via Bizzes, Entrepreneurial Panels, public meetings/debates, et cetera. Insofar as it is also important to you: a meeting will be organized in the third quarter about the Inner City Approach (which includes catering, prostitution in the Red Light District/Singel, coffee shops, sex establishments in the Red Light District/Singel, shops, etc.).
Meanwhile, the national Covid measures have had a major impact – and still do – on all entrepreneurs in the sex industry; we hear from sex workers that they are now getting the necessary business again, but it is not yet what it used to be.
I am curious how you experience this and what you think about the prostitution policy in the city, what problems you think are at play, your suggestions and comments, in short: a full-width conversation.
This can be done in an individual conversation or if you wish with a small group of entrepreneurs, live or possibly by telephone.
I would love to hear from you; If you send me an e-mail I will call you to schedule an appointment. My colleague Henrique Franssens (OOV) will also be present at the meeting.
Yours sincerely,
Floor Frank
senior advisor on prostitution policy, Public Order and Safety Department