Registering with the Chamber of Commerce

If you are self-employed, you are required to register yourself with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK). The KvK is an organisation where all businesses in the Netherlands are registered. When you start sex work, you need to register with the KvK if you want to work behind the window and/or as an independent escort. If you work in a club or privehuis (licensed brothel), the operator often arranges your tax payment and you do not need to register. 

What do you need and what information do you provide?

To register, you need a valid ID and a registration address. The Chamber of Commerce charges a registration fee of €75. Please note that only debit card payments are accepted (no cash, cheques or credit cards).

When you register with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK), you are also required to register with the Trade Register, which records all businesses established in the Netherlands. Your NAW-data (Name, Address and Place of residence) are listed in that register. You also have to come up with a name for your company as well as a suitable description for the main activities of your company. This is so that when you tell the KvK that you work as a sex worker, this is reflected in the register. These days, sex workers prefer to be registered at the KvK under the heading ‘personal services’, to protect your privacy. We advise you to make use of this option.

Note: the information in the Trade Register is public and therefore accessible to everyone. Others can easily look up data using your company name. If you use a name for your company name that your customers know (e.g. your work name or real name), they can find out your personal address. Think carefully before sharing your company name with anyone to best protect your privacy.

It is also possible to shield your address details at the Chamber of Commerce. You have to specifically ask for this. First go to the municipality where you are registered to block your details there. You can then submit the same request to the Chamber of Commerce.

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